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The Daily TWOG by Dr. Don MacRae “Add 8 Years To Your Life”

April 23, 2018 » The Daily TWOG

The Daily TWOG is a form of Micro-Learning between a tweet and blog in length; can be read and understood in less than two minutes and is educational/motivational in nature. If you found The Daily TWOG educational and/or motivational, I hope you will consider sharing it with others.

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Many important lessons in life can’t be taught. They must be learned through experience by each of us. I hope The Daily TWOG will spark the interest of those of you who are ready for change, renewal, rejuvenation, personal and professional growth and development.
“What”, ”Why” and “How” questions are the subject of each TWOG. Topics range from Happiness, Hubris and Humility to Habits and Hope; from Self-Image and Self-Esteem to Self-Control and Self-Talkers; from Respect, Reframing and Regrets to Resilience and Relationships.
The ideas explored in each TWOG have helped me and many others learn life’s lessons as we continued to grow, change and develop. I hope they will serve that purpose for you on a daily basis. Join me on Twitter each day @SituationalComm

Dramatically Improve Your Results and Relationships

Do you want to learn to be in control of yourself, the situation and important interactions with others in your personal, business and professional life, in order to achieve both successful results and effective relationships?


Situational Communication®: The Communication Process and Relating Styles of Successful/Effective People is a strategic, systematic process designed to give you the best chance to be successful and effective in important interactions. The process is about mutual trust and respect, collaboration and collegiality. It is about understanding and being understood; about when not to make a bad situation worse and how to make it better. It’s about communication, negotiation and Relating Styles that produce successful results and develop effective relationships. It’s about you as a person, professional and leader and how you shape your personal future and that of your organization or profession. It is not just about what you say and do but how, when, where and why (or why not) you say or do it, your “personal power”.

Make this year your year for personal and professional growth and development. Learn the communication process that gives you self-control and control of the situation, the results and the relationship in interactions; especially those challenging interactions where the needs and/or preferences of the parties are different or in conflict. Learn your Relating Style; its strengths, weaknesses situational appropriateness; and how to adapt it to the situation successfully and effectively, to achieve Results with Relationship.

There’s an old African Proverb,

If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

Situational Communication® is about thinking, feeling and acting differently, if you want to go far together with the key people in your personal, business and professional life. I invite you to join me at

Best Of All!

It’s available FREE, 24/7 for 1 year, without technical or scheduling restraints, when, where and how you want it, for your personal, business and professional development

Situational Communication®: The Strategic Leadership Communication Process and Relating Styles of Successful/Effective LeadersEmotionally intelligent communication, negotiation and relating strategies that maximize a minimum amount of time to consistently achieve successful results and develop effective relationships.

Enhance your personal, business and professional leadership credibility, respect, fairness, pride and collegiality. Learn to communicate, negotiate and relate to others with personal power, influence and persuasion every time – particularly in difficult and challenging situations.

Learn more about what Situational Communication® can do for you, your career, your leadership, your organization and your professional development. Contact us today.