The Dilemma: Speak Up Or Shut Up? The Answer!
Speak up or shut up? Choosing the best answer in challenging business, family and social interactions gives you a powerful advantage to achieve successful results and develop effective relationships. Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success. Paul J. Mey
10 Winning Characteristics Of Successful/Effective (Win/Win) Negotiators
We all have personal characteristics. Some come to us naturally, others don’t. Some make us great negotiators, others hinder our abilities. Discover 10 key characteristics that sum up what win/win negotiators demonstrate in order to achieve the results they want. Every time. Negotiating is an anc
10 Amazing Strategies of Successful/Effective (Win/Win) Negotiators
There are 4 types of negotiators: those who make things happen, those to whom things happen, those who watch things happen and those who don’t know what’s happening. If you’re not the first type, maybe it’s time to learn the secrets of those who are. The basic principle of win-win negotiati
10 Powerful Concession Strategies Of Successful/Effective (Win/Win) Negotiators
Every negotiation involves a little bit of give and take. But there are effective and ineffective ways to make concessions. Adopt a win/win attitude with these 10 powerful concession strategies. If you are planning to do business with someone again, don’t be too tough in the negotiations. If you
5 Vital Strategies of Successful/Effective (Win/Win) Negotiators
Every negotiation goes through different stages. And each stage calls for very specific planning and preparation. In other words, you need a strategy. Or five. Preparation accounts for 90% of negotiating success. The more and better prepared you are prior to a negotiation, the more likely it is t
Habitual Ritual Guarantees Negotiation Success
All experts have a “habitual ritual” they perform before they engage in a specific activity – athletes before a big game, public speakers before a presentation and … negotiators before a negotiation. Find out about the habitual ritual of successful/effective negotiators so you can optimize y
7 Secrets (Shhh) To Negotiation Success and Effectiveness
There are always conflicting interests (needs/priorities), otherwise there wouldn’t be a negotiation in the first place. But you must be able to acknowledge those conflicting interests (needs/priorities) and apply your negotiation skills to produce positive results. Walking into a negotiation, bot
Relate Your Way To Negotiating Success and Effectiveness
Are you relationship-oriented or results-oriented? What parts of a negotiation are you most comfortable with? Discover the different “Relating Styles” and how each plays an integral role in successful/effective negotiating. Can you “do it all”? Exactly What Is This Crazy Thing We Call Negot
Interest vs. Positional Negotiators: Which Type Are You?
Do you enter a negotiation to win or agree? Do you think of it as a competition or a conversation? Are you focused solely on results or on maintaining healthy relationships too? Find out if you’re the type of negotiator you need to be to achieve success in today’s corporate environment. “Ne
10 Things Successful/Effective Communicators Do Differently
Business and professional careers depend on your ability to communicate and negotiate successfully and effectively. The “soft skills” are the hard skills if you don’t know how, when and where to use them. For those who have “made it”, what is it that they do differently? Successful/Effect